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Additional Booking Information

  • Dietary requirements must be disclosed upon booking.

  • Drinks are not included in the rates.

  • Tariffs/rates quoted include accommodation, full breakfast buffet, VAT and all Government levies.

  • The lodge reserves the right to amend the tariffs / rates accordingly should the percentage level of VAT be increased or Government levies be increased during the duration of this agreement, or if the Namibian Dollar should be officially devalued, or any other unforeseen circumstances that may occur in the duration of this agreement.

Want to book Omurenga for an exclusive event?

Omurenga can be exclusively booked as your private retreat, either with family or friends as your "private luxury villa" in the middle of the African nature. Our smaller size and elegant layout make Omurenga the perfect getaway destination for families or groups of friends, with cozy living and dining rooms but also privacy in individual over-sized bedrooms.


Please contact us directly if you wish to book Omurenga exclusively. 

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